Cat Feast: How to Help Your Underweight Cat

Cat Feast: How to Help Your Underweight Cat Thrive – Vet-Approved Guide + Infographic

One of the best ways to determine whether your cat’s general health is on target and whether they are eating as they should is by tracking their weight. Until they become adults, kittens should progressively gain weight; their body weight should be kept constant. You should be rightfully worried if you find your cat losing weight. Your cat could abruptly lose weight for numerous causes, some of which could be related to significant illnesses. Read on to find out how to keep an eye on your cat’s body weight and what to do should it be very skinny.

How can I find out whether my cat is underweight?

Your cat may seem too skinny, which would worry you even if they are not fast-dropping weight. Examining your cat’s body condition score (BCS) will help you to determine whether she is underweight. Every breed of adult cat can benefit from the BCS, which also defines their body type. The score runs from 1 to 9; 1 denotes a cat as “severely underweight” and nine as “morbidly obese.” In this range, an optimal score is five.

From above, a cat with a BCS of five will show a discernible waist; the ribs should not be noticeable but instead felt with a small amount of pressure. To further understand where your cat falls on this scale, look at the score chart provided by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association1.

Your cat is underweight and most certainly has a BCS of less than 4 if you find that their ribs and spine are clearly visible on its body. This should lead to a visit with the veterinarian to have your cat examined for any major diseases.

Is My Cat Also Too Thin?

If your cats’ weight worries you, see your veterinarian for the Body Condition Score. The veterinarian will apply the BCS, which is akin to the human body mass index. You may find out whether your cat is overly slim using a body condition score chart.

The chart is available online for review from companies like the American Animal Hospital Association and World Small Animal Veterinary Community or your veterinarian’s clinic.

The Hand Test is: You could also refer to your hand to gauge your cat’s body condition. Feel your cat’s ribs; if they feel like the back of your palm, their weight is perfect. Their front legs should guide you.

Is My Cat Also Too Thin?

You have a slender cat if their ribs resemble your knuckles. The ribs most certainly are overweight if they feel like your palm. It’s not clear yet. View this dvm360 video illustrating the hand test.

Cats are known to gradually lose weight when they become seniors at around 12 years of age. Even though this is common, you should still book yearly appointments with your veterinarian to ensure your cat’s health is on track.

As cats enter their golden years, they may have a reduced ability to digest and acquire the nutrients in their food.

Choose a food with a high caloric content and protein content to counteract any decreases in digestibility and loss of muscle mass. Another thing to consider in older cats is their decreased ability to smell and taste their food.

One adjustment that can overcome this is using a high-moisture canned diet, which readily releases aromas and is more flavorful than dry kibble.

Should my cat be losing weight?

Your cat may have a health issue if it is obviously losing weight and not primarily on a weight-loss program. See your veterinarian to go over your cat’s weight loss and any other symptoms that would lead to disease. Common ailments including diabetes, kidney disease, and hypothyroidism can make cats lose weight.

Many pet owners first overlook their cat losing weight as both diabetes and hyperthyroidism trigger appetite.

A slim cat usually results from either not eating enough or burning more calories than it consumes. Stress, dental disease, sickness, or another variety of factors could be the reason it is not eating enough.

Cats with specific disorders may lose weight; this might be the first, and perhaps the only, apparent indication that an underlying condition has progressed. In some geriatric cats over ten years of age, weight loss might also result from age-related deterioration in digestive capacity.

Lack of food is another factor a cat could be excessively slim. Should you come across a starving stray cat, you can receive advice on what to do from your neighborhood shelter or veterinarian on returning the cat to a condition of health.

They could want you to bring them in. Adopted stray cats should constantly be screened for health issues and seen by a veterinarian.

Although a slender cat might not always indicate a medical issue, if you believe your cat may be skinny, you should arrange a visit to your veterinarian to determine the cause of the weight loss.

What Should I Feed My Cat for Growing Her Weight?

To acquire weight, your cat will have to consume more calories than they are everyday. Still, this does not mean they should get additional sweets! Even if your cat strives to gain weight, only up to 10% of her daily calorie count should come from treats.

Choose a diet that is nutritionally balanced yet abundant in calories. The label should declare that the diet is complete and balanced for adult cats or all cat life phases. Commercial availability of a wide range of textures and flavors means you should be able to identify a diet that will satisfy practically any cat’s particular tastes!

If you believe your cat requires weight, you should first bring them to the veterinarian to rule out underlying medical issues. Should no health issues be discovered, your veterinarian can help you to get your cat back on target and acquire weight. They might advise some of the following.

Healthy (but underweight) cats could just require extra meals daily or free access to dry food to increase weight. Cats will rather “graze” or eat little meals all day, so having food available all day long can make all the difference.

See your veterinarian to be sure this would be a suitable choice for your cat. Free choice meals are only advised in specific conditions and could cause obesity.Surprising ways to help cats overweight and foods.

If you have more than one cat, one could watch over the food and stop another from consuming their allotment. Ensure every cat has secure, non-threatening access to food throughout the day.

If your cat is anxious, ensure the feeding bowl is far from anything scaring them—such as a noisy pipe, air conditioner, cycle furnace, or barking dog.

If you feed your cat dry kibble, offer canned food in addition to dry (or vice versa).
If you usually dress up their food with toppers and baby your cat at mealtimes, offer basic foods straight out of the bag or container in a quiet environment free from a lot of noise.

Try several flavors and consistency of both dry and wet food for cats that are really finicky. Some love chicken pate, others salmon stew, but make sure to appropriately change their diet to prevent any digestive discomfort.

To accentuate their food’s scent, microwave it for a few seconds. Check the temperature before feeding and use a suitable microwaveable container.

Shred a small amount of rotisserie chicken into their meal; most cats enjoy the scent and taste of roasted chicken. Just be sure to feed white meat free of skin. Recall that your cat should eat mostly well-balanced cat food every day.

Try adding a very tiny bit of the liquid from unsalted chicken broth or canned tuna to your cat’s meal.

Particular cats might need a higher-calorie diet and would gain from a canned food with such calorie count. A highly palatable diet heavy in antioxidants, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids and prebiotics might help older cats trying to maintain weight.

Should your cat get diagnosed with a health issue, your veterinarian can suggest a therapeutic diet especially tailored to the cat’s condition.

Exactly, How Many Calories?

Your veterinarian can assist you to precisely determine daily calorie intake for your cat. Their activity level and whether your cat has been spayed or neutered will be factors considered. They will then figure out how many ounces—or grams—of your selected food this comes to. Use a weighing scale to measure meals to satisfy this need; cups are not exact.

You should weigh your cat often and might have to cut their calories once they start to weigh more; you don’t want to tip them over into obesity!

Could I use any supplements to help my cat gain weight?

None of any particular supplements are advised for cats to aid in weight gain. Including supplements to meals might throw off a diet and result in nutrient deficits. Before including anything into your cat’s diet over the long run, see your veterinarian.

help my cat gain weight?

My Cat Really Does Not Like Any Commercial Foods! Can I make anything for Her?

A home-cooked supper is loved by all! Sadly, for your cat, it’s not as easy as combining some aesthetically pleasing foods in a bowl. Incomplete and unbalanced meals allow nutrient deficits to grow gradually.Cat Feast: How to Help Your Underweight Cat Thrive – Vet-Approved Guide + Infographic.

If you want to cook for your cat, look for recipes from a veterinary clinical nutritionist with board certification. Working with you, they can design a customized food schedule fit for your cat’s tastes and requirements.

Why does my cat not eat?

Assuming your cat is otherwise healthy, there are several reasons that could turn off a cat from food. Being prey animals, cats may not eat if they sense danger.

Anxiety in Cat Mealtime

One thing to watch for as your cat could not be eating enough is mealtime anxiety. Make sure the surroundings free of any potential stressors allow your cat to eat peacefully.

Any household change—including the addition of a new member or rearranging of furniture—may produce discomfort and inappetuation.


Most cats are overweight rather than underweight, thus before you set out to help your cat acquire weight, it is advisable to find out from a veterinarian whether weight growth is indeed necessary.

They can also ensure that nothing seems wrong that might be causing your cat to be underweight.

Once your veterinarian has approved, they will assist you to calculate the calorie consumption required for your pet. To ensure your cat is getting all the food they need, you could also have to investigate their surroundings.

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